Privacy Protection - Estancia El Nilo

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Privacy Protection

Privacy Statement General
Maximum care has been used in preparing the contents shown on this website. The use of our website is normally possible without any statement of person-related data. In the event of any person-related data ( for example names, addresses or e-mail addresses ) appearing on our site, this always appears on a voluntary basis. Your personal data are processed by us only in accordance with the provisions of German data privacy laws.Unfortunately, no data transmission over the Internet or data storage system can be guaranteed to be 100% secure.

To optimize our web presence, we use cookies. These are small text files stored in your computer's main memory. These cookies are deleted after you close the browser. Other cookies remain on your computer (long-term cookies) and permit its recognition on your next visit. This allows us to improve your access to our site. You can prevent storage of cookies by choosing a "disable cookies" option in your browser settings. But this can limit the functionality of our Internet offers as a result.
Server-Log Files
Through your browser or device:  Certain information is collected by most browsers or automatically through your device, such as your Media Access Control (MAC) address, computer type (Windows or Macintosh), screen resolution, operating system name and version, device manufacturer and model, language, Internet browser type and version, service provider, and the name and version of the Sites (such as the App) you are using.  We use this information for statistical purposes as well as to ensure that the Sites function properly.
Inventory data
Your personal data, insofar as these are necessary for this contractual relationship (inventory data) in terms of its establishment, organization of content and modifications, are used exclusively for fulfilling the contract. Without your explicit consent or a legal basis, your personal data are not passed on to third parties outside the scope of fulfilling this contract. After completion of the contract, your data are blocked against further use. After expiry of deadlines as per tax-related and commercial regulations, these data are deleted unless you have expressly consented to their further use.
Facebook plug-ins (Like-Button)
We use social plug-ins from, operated by Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA. The plug-ins can be recognized by way of the Facebook logo or the supplement "Facebook Social Plug-in". For example, if you click on the "Like" button or leave a comment, the relevant information is transmitted directly from your browser to Facebook and stored there. Furthermore, Facebook makes your likes public for your Facebook friends. If you are logged into Facebook, it can assign the invocation of our page directly to your Facebook account. Even if you are not logged in or don't have a Facebook account, your browser sends information (e.g. which web pages you have called up, your IP address) which is then stored by Facebook. For details about handling of your personal data by Facebook and your related rights, please refer to the data privacy policy of Facebook: If you do not want Facebook to map data collected about you via our Web sites to your Facebook account, you must log out of Facebook before you visit our web pages.
SSL coding
This side is of use for reasons of the security and for the protection of the transference of confidential contents, as for example of the inquiries which you send to us as a side operator, a SSL encoding. You recognize a coded connectionby the fact that the address line of the browser from http:// to https:// changes and in the castle symbol in your browser line. If the encoding SSL is activated, the data which you transmit to us cannot be coread by third.
According to the Federal Data Protection Act, you have a right to free-of-charge information about your stored data, and possibly entitlement to correction, blocking or deletion of such data. Inquiries can be directed to the following e-mail addresses: ( )
Contradiction of commercial mails
We hereby expressly object to the use of any contact data published within the scope of our statutory duty to publish a legal notice by any third party for transmitting any advertising or information material not explicitly solicited. The operator of  this website expressly reserves the right to take legal action in the event that any unsolicited advertising information is received, e.g., by way of any spam mail.
© 2011 - 2021
Estancia El Nilo - Buenos Aires - Argentina
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